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Dr. Taraneh Javanbakht proposed DECONSEM, a new concept that means creating and presenting original works in all the fields of knowledge. A DECONSEM is  neither a CONference nor a SEMinar. It is a unique style of presenting  the creative works in several fields during several days. DONCESM is the deconstruction of the concepts of CONference and SEMinar. She presented the first and second DECONSEMs of the world, including her works in sciences, engineering, philosophy, arts,  literature, women's movement and human rights, in the Department of Chemistry at the University of Montreal (UdeM), the Departments of Informatics, Chemistry and Philosophy at the University of Quebec in Montreal (UQAM) and the Department of Mechanical Engineeing at the Ecole de Technologie Superieure in 2015, 2017 and 2018. The ideal  situation will occur when all the  lecturers in international meetings will present DECONSEMs, each person  during several days. The very ideal situation will occur when the DECONSEMs  will replace the congresses. The polymathy will make the DECONSEMs possible. Multidisciplinarity and DECONSEMs will make a RENAISSANCE in the  lifestyle of human beings. She wishes that DECONSEMs will be presented,  rather than conferences or seminars, in the future. Nowadays, the human knowledge needs the specialization in different academic fields. Nevertheless, she has proved that presenting DECONSEMs is possible and it is a nice challenge that can be overcomed. 

Dr. Taraneh Javanbakht's deconsems:

Second DECONSEM of the world
First part: Crossroad of sciences and other fields: Theories and applications
Second part: Improvement of the process of synthesis
Third part: Modeling of cognitive representations with artificial neural networks
Fourth part: Applications of pure sciences in engineering

University of Montreal, Department of Chemistry, 2017
University of Quebec in Montreal, Department of Informatics, 2017

University of Quebec in Montreal, Department of Chemistry, 2017
École de Technologie Supérieure, Department of Mechanical Engineering, 2018
Presentations in sciences (physics, chemistry, biology, engineering, nanotechnology, informatics, artificial intelligence), philosophy and cognitive sciences

Dr. Taraneh Javanbakht presented the second DECONSEM in the world, including her works in (physics, chemistry, biology, engineering, nanotechnology, informatics, artificial intelligence), philosophy and cognitive sciences, in the Department of Chemistry at the University of Montreal (UdeM), the Department of Chemistry at the University of Quebec in Montreal (UQAM), the Department of Informatics at the University of Quebec in Montreal (UQAM) in 2017 and at the École de Technologie Supérieure in 2018.

First DECONSEM of the world
First part: Impacts of sciences on the environment
Second part: Formalization for modeling the cognitive disorder
Third part: Applications of non-classical logics and theories of cognitive sciences

University of Montreal, Department of Chemistry, 2015
University of Quebec in Montreal, Department of Philosophy, 2015

Presentations in sciences (physics, chemistry, biology, biomedical engineering, nanotechnology), philosophy, literature, arts, human rights and women's movement

Dr. Taraneh Javanbakht presented the first DECONSEM in the world, including her works in sciences (physics, chemistry, biology, nanotechnology and biomedical engineering), philosophy, arts, literature, women's movement and human rights, in the Department of Chemistry at the University of Montreal (UdeM) and Department of Philosophy at the University of Quebec in Montreal (UQAM) in 2015.

Copyright © by Taraneh Javanbakht All Right Reserved.

Published on: 2014-03-08 (5754 reads)

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