Conferences and Seminars
Dr. Taraneh Javanbakht's conferences and seminars:
CERMM symposium, Concordia University, 2020 Title: Modeling structure and rheological behavior of nanomaterials, polymers and their nanocomposites
Philopolis Conference, University of Montreal, Department of Economical Sciences, 2016 Title: Application of logic for modeling of categories
University of Quebec in Montral, Department of Philosophy, 2015
Title: Logique floue et arborescence comme outils de modélisation des catégories en tant que prototypes
GRSTB symposium, Ecole Polytechnique of Montreal, 2014 Titel: Nanotechnology applied to medical biofilms control
Philopolis Conference, University of Montreal, Department of Social Sciences, 2014
Title: Are the opposite concepts reconcilable? Analytical, ethical and logical issues
University of Quebec in Montreal, Department of Philosophy, 2014
Title: Applications of fuzzy logic in philosophy
Ecole Polytechnique of Montreal, Department of Biomedical Engineering, 2013
Title: Biomedical applications of nitric oxide (2): cancer treatment
FODAR conference, University of Quebec in Trois-Rivière, Department of Philosophy, 2013
Title: Analysis of beauty and goodness with fuzzy logic
University of Quebec in Montreal, Department of Philosophy, 2013
Title: Netism, from metaphysics to ethics
Philopolis Conference, Concordia University, Department of Social Sciences, 2013
Title: Necessity of multivalency, from philosophical reflection to practice
University of Montreal, Faculty of Sciences, Department of Chemistry,
Ecole Polytechnique of Montreal, Department of Biomedical Engineering, 2012
Title: Biomedical applications of nitric oxide (1): nitric oxide attachment and release
Ecole Polytechnique of Montreal, Department of Biomedical Engineering , 2012
Title: Tissue regeneration and injectable hydrogels
Ecole Polytechnique of Montreal, Department of Biomedical Engineering , 2011
Title: Micro and nanaovectors
World Women Association, University of Quebec in Montreal, Department of Biology, 2010
Title: Necessity of women's multivalency
University of Quebec in Montreal, Department of Biology, 2010
Title: Regulation of Pax3 gene expression by the Cdx transcription factors
Concordia University, Department of Engineering and Computer Science (Iranian Literary Association), 2010
Title: Characteristics of the postmodern literature
Tehran University, Faculty of Medicine, Department of Genetic Medicine, 2004
Title: Problem of chemotherapy in Iran
Shahid Beheshti University, Faculty of Sciences, Department of Chemistry, 2002
Title: Gene therapy with antisens oligonucleotides
Pierre and Marie Curie University, Department of Chemistry, 2002
Title: Minimally modification of the natural oligonucleotides in the antisens strategy
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