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Conferences and Seminars

Dr. Taraneh Javanbakht's conferences and seminars:

FODAR conference, University of Quebec in Trois-Rivières, Department of Philosophy, 2023
Title: Analytic-synthetic distinction among Kant's predecessors

CERMM symposium, Concordia University, 2020
Title: Modeling structure and rheological behavior of nanomaterials, polymers and their nanocomposites

Philopolis Conference, University of Montreal, Department of Economical Sciences, 2016
Title: Application of logic for modeling of categories

University of Quebec in Montral, Department of Philosophy, 2015
Logique floue et arborescence comme outils de modélisation des catégories en tant que prototypes

GRSTB symposium, Ecole Polytechnique of Montreal, 2014
Titel: Nanotechnology applied to medical biofilms control

Philopolis Conference, University of Montreal, Department of Social Sciences, 2014
 Are the opposite concepts reconcilable? Analytical, ethical and logical issues

University of Quebec in Montreal, Department of Philosophy, 2014
Title: Applications of fuzzy logic in philosophy

Ecole Polytechnique of Montreal, Department of Biomedical Engineering, 2013
Biomedical applications of nitric oxide (2): cancer treatment

FODAR conference, University of Quebec in Trois-Rivière, Department of Philosophy, 2013
Title: Analysis of beauty and goodness with fuzzy logic

University of Quebec in Montreal, Department of Philosophy, 2013
Title: Netism, from metaphysics to ethics

Philopolis Conference, Concordia University, Department of Social Sciences, 2013
Title: Necessity of multivalency, from philosophical reflection to practice

University of Montreal, Faculty of Sciences, Department of Chemistry,
Ecole Polytechnique of Montreal, Department of Biomedical Engineering, 2012
Title: Biomedical applications of nitric oxide (1): nitric oxide attachment and release

Ecole Polytechnique of Montreal, Department of Biomedical Engineering , 2012
Title: Tissue regeneration and injectable hydrogels

Ecole Polytechnique of Montreal, Department of Biomedical Engineering , 2011
Micro and nanaovectors

World Women Association, University of Quebec in Montreal, Department of Biology, 2010
Title: Necessity of women's multivalency

University of Quebec in Montreal, Department of Biology, 2010
Title: Regulation of Pax3 gene expression by the Cdx transcription factors

Concordia University, Department of Engineering and Computer Science (Iranian Literary Association), 2010

Title: Characteristics of the postmodern literature

Tehran University, Faculty of Medicine, Department of Genetic Medicine, 2004
Title: Problem of chemotherapy in Iran

Shahid Beheshti University, Faculty of Sciences, Department of Chemistry, 2002
Title: Gene therapy with antisens oligonucleotides

Pierre and Marie Curie University, Department of Chemistry, 2002
Minimally modification of the natural oligonucleotides in the antisens strategy

Copyright © by Taraneh Javanbakht All Right Reserved.

Published on: 2010-04-22 (24228 reads)

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