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Artificial intelligence

Dr. Taraneh Javanbakht's expertise and works are in artificial intelligence. She has done her second PhD studies in cognitive informatics (artificial intelligence, computer programming, informatics and cognitive sciences) at the University of Quebec in Montreal.

Two steps more advanced than the current picture-takings of NASA:

Dr. Taraneh Javanbakht's innovations in her papers on the automated decision-making process for the next generation of robots that will be able to distinguish and analyze drinking and undrinkable water on other planets are two steps more advanced than that of the current picture-takings of NASA. Her paper on a novel automated decision-making process for analysis of ions and organic materials in drinking water was published in the Journal of Engineering Sciences in 2023. Her paper is available here.

Her other paper in artificial intelligence for the new generation of robots that would decide, distinguish and analyze the drinking water and undrinkable water on other planets using the modified TOPSIS method with an automated decision-making process was published in the Journal of Engineering Sciences in 2022. Her paper is available here.

Her other paper in artificial intelligence entitled "Prediction of human behavior with TOPSIS" was published in the Journal of Fuzzy Extension and Applications in 2022. Her paper is available here.

Her other paper on the application of the automated decision-making method for the analysis of iron oxide nanoparticles and the inconsistency in epistemic beliefs in their consideration was published in the Journal of Engineering Sciences in 2022. Her paper is available here.

Her other paper on the application of the automated decision-making method for the optimization of the physical instruments' characteristics was published in the Ukrainian Journal of Mechanical Engineering and Materials Science in 2022. Her paper is available here.

Her other paper on the optimization of the algorithms of machine learning was published in the Journal of Engineering Sciences in 2022. Her paper is available here.

Her other paper on the prediction and optimization of the characteristics of graphene oxide with an automated decision-making process was published in the Journal of Engineering Sciences in 2023. Her paper is available here.

Her other paper on the optimization of language learning with an automated decision-making process with TOPSIS was published in the Iranian Journal of Optimization in 2023. Her paper is available here.

Her other paper entitled "Optimization of oligonucleotides characteristics with TOPSIS" on the optimization of oligonucleotides characteristics with this method was published in the Ukrainian Journal of Mechanical Engineering and Materials Science in 2023. This paper is available here and here.

Her other paper entitled "Optimization of chemical synthesis output with TOPSIS" was published in the Ukrainian Journal of Mechanical Engineering and Materials Science in 2024. Her paper is available here.

Copyright © by Taraneh Javanbakht All Right Reserved.

Published on: 2020-04-04 (3149 reads)

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