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image Taraneh

Dr. Taraneh Javanbakht's expertise and works are in physics (surface physics and optics).

She received her first master of science (D.E.A.) degree in physical chemistry from the Pierre and Marie Curie University (Paris 6) in 1998. She did her D.E.A. research in physics in the laboratory of physical chemistry at the Pierre and Marie Curie University and in the laboratory of the synchrotron radiation (LURE) at the University of Orsay. Her D.E.A. thesis was on the effect of the increase of temperature on the performance of the multilayer mirrors Mo/Si, Mo/C and Ni/C in the domain of X rays.

The results of her research works were published in J. Phys. IV France 10, 281-287 (2000). This article in pdf format is available here.

The online version of this article on the website of Journal de Physique de France is available here.

Her work in her master thesis in physics revealed that when the x-ray beam produced by the synchrotron radiation collided with the multilayer mirrors, the temperature increased on the mirror surface. The structural modification of mirrors depended on the type of the chemical elements used in their structure.

Dr. Taraneh Javanbakht has carried out the surface physics analysis of (nano)biomaterial at Ecole Polytechnique of Montreal since 2011. Her papers on the surface analysis of (nano)biomaterials with x-ray photoelectron spectroscopy (XPS) and time-of-flight secondary ion mass spectrometry (TOF-SIMS) are available on this website.

Dr. Taraneh Javanbakht has co-supervised several students' projects in surface physics at the Ecole Polytechnique of Montreal.

Copyright © by Taraneh Javanbakht All Right Reserved.

Published on: 2005-11-13 (53417 reads)

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